WLL stands for having Limited Liability, which refers to a business having limited liability. A limited liability company is referred to as a "WLL" in Gulf nations.
A WLL firm is a limited liability company with an unlimited number of shareholders in the Bahrain.
Al- Nabaa Contracting offers professional services to simplify the
process of setting up a With Limited Liability (WLL) company in Bahrain, similar to an LLC.
A With Limited Liability (WLL) company is a business structure where the liability of shareholders is limited to their shares in the company.
The registration process typically takes 45 working days, depending on the completeness of the documentation and approvals.
The minimum capital requirement varies by industry but generally starts from BD 20,000.
Yes, foreigners can own a WLL company in Bahrain, but there may be specific industry restrictions.
No, a local partner is not required for a WLL company, but having a local sponsor or advisor can be beneficial.
Depending on the nature of your business, you may need additional licenses and permits from relevant authorities.